March 31
[pictured at right: registered voters and caring Astoria dog owners circulate petitions to oppose Councilman Vallone]
DFNY in Astoria, Queens!
Do dog owners in Astoria support Peter Vallone Jr.'s plans to restrict their ability to humanely restrain their pets and ban certain dogs from the City of New York? Do they support backdoor breed bans and negative stereotypes?
Heck, no!
Astoria residents couldn't sign our petitions opposing Councilman Vallone's proposals fast enough!
In addition to gathering signatures from area residents, DFNY explained to shocked dog lovers how Mr. Vallone's tethering proposal will negatively and disproportionately impact the lives of New York's many caring dog owners with limited incomes.

As Astoria resident and pit bull enthusiast
Nancy Silva commented on Vallone's tethering plan: "
That's just so the city can make more money."
Nancy, we hear you!
Does Peter Vallone Discriminate?
Yes! NYC Councilman Peter Vallone from Queens is unfairly targeting good dogs and good dog owners with unfair and discriminatory proposals!
Are you or your dog the “Wrong” Breed???
What YOU NEED To Know!
Peter Vallone:
· Wants to pass a breed ban!
· Profiles dog owners as criminals!
· Will subject us to breed discrimination!
· Wants to back-door breed bans with anti-tethering laws!
Peter Vallone uses fake science to get his way!
Breed Bans & Anti-Tethering Laws
Unfairly Target and Discriminate against:
· Poor dog owners
· Racial and ethnic minorities
· Make criminals out of responsible dog owners
We need facts, not fear!
NO to Breed Bans!
NO to Anti-Tethering Laws!
Dog Federation of New York--For A Dog-Friendly, Dog-Safe New York